Foillseachadh Akerbeltz is a new micro-publisher based in Scotland. Our aim is to improve the publication of Gaelic-related books, especially books that were written in Irish, Gaelic or Manx from the start.
You might have recognised our name already, there is indeed a link between Akerbeltz Publishing and our other two ventures, Akerbeltz Resources and Akerbeltz Language Services. Although our first title came out in 2011, we've been working on the publishing arm for a few years now and are certainly aiming for more titles.
Oh and yes, Akerbeltz is not a Gaelic word. It's Basque actually and means "the black goat", the name of an old Basque deity, the protector of the land and the beasts. When the head of Akerbeltz began to use the name, he used it mainly on internet chatrooms since there were way too many Michaels around usually. But somehow the name stuck, even outside the chatrooms and when a name was needed for the resource site, Akerbeltz was the first that sprang to mind. By now, it's so established as a brand name that it would be hard to change. Mystical are the ways of the web indeed!